There are two ways of surviving combat damage using maneuvers, orbiting and tanking. Orbiting is used for out maneuvering an opponent by right clicking an enemy ship and having the orbit option on the ship you attacking. You ship and the enemy ship will go into a dog fight and will it make it harder to hit your ship. The Tengu above is orbiting a frigate and ingaging in a dogfight
The other way of surviving damage is to customise your ship with custom rigs and weapon slots to make the ship resistant to alot more punishment, known as tanking.
Turrets fire energy or projectiles at targets, every turret has an optimum range. Optimum range is when the turret is more likely to hit it's target with maximum damage. Small and
meduim turrets should be used for small and medium ships (frigates, destroyers and Crusiers) and large and extra large turrets should be used for large ships and stations (battleships, carriers)
Always look at a turrets optimal ranges, at the right range the turret has a 90% chance of hitting a target and it makes it easier to kill a target quicker. There are four types of turret:
Railguns, Blasters, Lasers and Projectile weapons all have very different ranges!
Railguns, Blasters, Lasers and Projectile weapons all have very different ranges!
Rail Guns and Blasters are classed as hybrid weapons and can be both used on ships without having to train each individually.
Lasers come in two types, close range and long range, favoured by Amarr as their weapon of choice.
Ion Cannon (Gallente Turret)
Ion Cannons are used by the Gallente Federation as their main weapon of choice, Gallente favor close quarters battle to ranged combat as Ion Cannons are designed to have high damage but at close range. Both Gallente and Caldari can use Hybrid weapons (same training skill), Ion Cannons are classed as short ranged Hybrid Weapons.
Missile launchers
Missile launchers work very differently to turrets, launchers still have to be locked onto a target but the missiles will always hit their targets when in minimum (10m) to maximum range (depending on missile launcher and types of missile used). Turrets will have a chance of hitting their target but only at the turret's optimum range show in the turret's information window. Missiles will be able hit their target at any range.
More pictures of EVE combat
Tengu ingaging some pirate frigates
Two player ships engaging each other in heavy combat
A Nighthawk command ship watch a Drake being hit by lazers
A Gallente ship misses a Minmatar ship while it tries to escape